Saturday, April 17, 2021

Azure Microsoft Learn Practice Lab Reference

 Azure Microsoft Learn Practice Lab Reference

Microsoft learn is one of the learning platform which helped me to upgrade my skills in Azure cloud infrastructure.

If you're looking for a study guide to get start with Azure cloud journey, i would strongly recommend to start with Microsoft Learn - Azure.

Microsoft learn provide free sandbox for practicing the labs along with informative documentation.

In-order to get start you need not to have a credit/debit card, instead a Microsoft account is more than enough.

Here I've consolidated the list of selected Lab exercises which helps you all to learn Azure cloud.

Try it out from today and practice the Lab for free.

Activation of Labs are self explanatory, just follow the documentation.

Good Luck 👍

Azure Compute

1) Virtual machines

Exercise - Create an image of an Azure VM from the Azure CLI and provision a new VM

2) APP Service

3) Azure Function

Azure Storage

You can use above Lab exercise for practicing Blob, File, Queue and Table storage

1) Blob Storage

2) Queue Storage

3) Azure Storage CORS

4) Azure Storage - Static Website and CDN

5) WebApp and Azure Storage

6) Azure Disk Storage

Azure Network

Exercise - Design and implement IP addressing for Azure virtual networks -

Azure Active Directory

Management and Governance 

Exercise - Use metric alerts to alert on performance issues in your Azure environment -

Exercise - Use activity log alerts to alert on events within your Azure infrastructure -